SHAARMS Watch Men’sBelt Stainless Steel Quartz Movement Watch

shaarms watch

The shaarms watch is a new watch brand created by two brothers. The goal was to create a watch that would appeal to the youth and not just the older generation. SHAARMS is a watch brand based in the Netherlands. It was founded in 2012 by brothers Henk and Joris De Ruiter, who had previously worked together at the Dutch clothing brand H&M. The brand’s first product was a pair of jeans, which they introduced to the market in 2014. In 2016, they released their first women’s fashion product, and also launched their first men’s fashion products.

shaarms watch

The shaarms watch features a stainless steel case with a black dial and white numerals, which is shaped like an hourglass. There are two dial options. The black dial is used for men and the red dial is used for women. Both watches can be customized with a color band or bracelet. Despite the small size of the watch, the company decided to use a leather strap instead of leather straps as they did not want to misrepresent their product as an expensive fashion accessory.

They still use steel hinges, which give it an old-world look and feel like one would expect from a rugged watch with a steel case.The company has produced over 1 million watches since its founding in 2000, but only sold about 300 thousand so far.

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